Aug 20, 2013

ADempiere: How To Use Scala For Customisations

"Scala is becoming an increasingly popular language and for many companies/developers it's a superior alternative to Java. ADempiere open source ERP/CRM, is written in Java but since Scala runs on JVM and has very good Java interoperability, it's very easy to customise ADempiere with Scala.

We'll see how it can be done."

Read the full article on my website.

Aug 14, 2013

Grails: How To Secure Your Application Using Spring Security Core

"Any web-based application must have a mechanism for authentication users and authorising them to do their defined activities in the system. One can go for the traditional approach of doing it with a login form; it works for the start. But on today's Internet, a classic pair of username and password is not always available as many people prefer to use a single OpenID, Twitter or FaceBook account to access their data across different web sites. Also in corporate environments usually authentication and authorisation is done against an LDAP database.

This is where Spring Security collection comes to play by allowing you to connect to a wide range of data sources and acquire access information from them instead of storing them yourself."

Read the full article on my website.